

Fancy meeting you here. This post doesn't have much of a purpose. I just wanted you to see a picture of Quinn (or qchinn as Addi pronounces her name... hence the title of this post) that I edited. Here it is... I hope you enjoy it. :)


Kim T. said...

I wish I could hear her saying "Qcuinn". Sooo cute! She looks like a little professor. I need you to teach me how to use piknik. (I don't know if that's how you spell it.) I love her eyes in this pic - like she is thinking up something really conniving. "...next thing I will do is go into Robyn's room....then I will look in all of her bags....then I will eat all of her treats.....then I will try on all of necklaces.....then I will get her shoes.....then I will......then I will......hahahahahaha .....it will be FANTASTICAL........"

Beto said...

I love this pic too. You can't hide all that mischief behind a pair of glasses, no matter how big they are!!! I love her little thumb-sucking bucky teeth! Reminds me of another child of ours...Sister...you have a sister!!!!! (If you kids would ever watch the old classic and much better Star Wars movies, you'd be able to place that quote!!