Question: What are the top three things you are grateful for today?
2. Food (Yummy Mac & Cheese)
3. The volume button on the TV. We got smart. After the gajillionth time Quinn asked to watch Dora, we decided to turn the volume all the way OFF! She's happy, we're happy. AHHH! The sweet sound of silence.
1. The snow is melting.2. It is getting warmer.
3. She got to wear her new sneakers to school.
1. Had a good day at school. Mrs. Coleman read a book that he liked - The 500 Hats.
2. The Cousin's Chronicle came.
3. We had a yummy dinner - mac & cheese, peach & strawberry smoothie, veggies.
1. Thought of a gift for Addi-Q's birthday. I hope I don't forget it before I get around to buying it.
2. Found a mac & cheese we can all agree on.
3. Started two new books that I think I am going to really enjoy. It's so nice when it's not a chore!

1. Food - specifically dinner. (She said she was really hungry. She said she liked the mac & cheese, but she didn't finish it and she added BBQ sauce. I dunno . . .)
2. Friends
3. Being happy (What a nice thing to be grateful for!)
1. Costumes
2. Burpees
3. The color purple
(These were divined by my spectacular abilities bestowed upon me as a mother. She was in bed for FHE.)
1 comment:
Top three things I was grateful for yesterday:
1. You guys. I love you all very much. And that I get to come home this weekend!!!
2. That I have a job that I don't hate:)
3. For good friends that make me a better person and are examples to me.
Pretty generic I know, but that's all I came up with. I think if I'd been home, the mac and cheese would have made my list, I'm sure of it!!
Love, Dad
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