This is the size of cheezy grin I get on my face when I get off work early enough to squeeze in 9 holes...How'd I do? Well, it was twilight conditions, so keeping score when I can't even see the targets well wouldn't be fair, don't you think? Let's just say I was enjoying nature and getting a little exercise:) By the way, the shouting of 'Fore' to warn other golfers they are about to be hit by your errant shot is thought to have originated in 18th century Great Britain. This word is believed to have come from the military "beware before", which was shouted when a battery fired behind friendly troops. And now you know. If you want to know another interesting origin of a phrase, google the origin of the phrase, "blowing smoke up your bum". This was a topic of conversation in the O.R. today...medicine has indeed come a long way:). I'm glad I wasn't a drowning victim a few hundred years ago.
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