

When I woke up this morning I was immediately reminded of what Jeanette had talked me into doing with her yesterday - spinning.
 If you look up spinning exercise on the internet this is part of the description:  you have to have a high tolerance for exercise bikes and being cooped up inside with a bunch of other sweaty people.  Oh, how true that is, all of it, especially the sweaty people part!  I felt like I was sticking my sweaty rear end right in the face of the person behind me.  Gross.  I am sure she would have appreciated a better view.
Billy Blanks, the famous creator of Tae Bo, was our instructor.  Okay, he wasn't.  But James looks just like him and is almost as awesome.
 Can you guess what part of me hurts this morning?


Beto said...

I'm guessing you have ischial tuberosity pain, secondary to sitting on a bike seat since you haven't sat on one for the whole long and cold (need I remind you?) winter! And maybe a little muscle pain on top of the pressure pain. Just keep on it with Billy and you'll be ready to ride with the family sans pain.

heidi said...

Ha Ha Ha! I'm still to chicken to try spin--actually what I am most afraid of is the "seat"! :)

Delaps said...

You keep me chuckling. Will you still meet me in the hall between jr. and sr. singing time please! Anyway, I love the bandaid and did you really take pictures of your family during church?! So funny. I am staying out of camera range.