
a new view

As I was preparing dinner last night, I was standing at the kitchen sink cleaning some dishes.  Being April, the kids had migrated outside to play.  As they were running, laughing, jumping, and not having a care in the world, it struck me, my window view is going to change.  I love watching the kids play and hearing their chatter and squeals.  I am soon going to have a new window, in a new kitchen – a new view.  Will I like it?  Then I realized, my view is ever changing.  When we moved here, Haley and Robyn were part of this window view.  They have now outgrown outdoor play and they are on to other things.  Mia was a year old and Eric was a kindergartener.  We didn’t even have Q.  Wow, what would our view be like without her?  I guess what matters most is to enjoy the view while it lasts, because, as we know, it grows, changes, and then fades much too quickly.  I am so lucky to have my view filled will such delightfully fantastic little people.  Will I like my new view, in my new home?  Of course I will!  It would be a lovely view from any window.  I get to bring all the people I love with me to fill it up!

1 comment:

heidi said...

Ahhh, I myself will have a new view in a couple of months. Actually I've had lot's of new views the past couple of years, and I totally agree with you, the view is always changing! Lately I've noticed more a change in me than anything. I don't always embrace the change in view right away but then I come to love it so much I don't ever want it to change...

I caught up on your blog the other day and it makes me want to be neighbors with you. Your family is beautiful and you are an amazing mom. Good luck with all your changes coming up!