

Last night was the annual Gateway Middle School Academic Awards Night.  How can such big brains fit into such a cute and tiny package?  Maybe if I stand close enough to Robyn some of that intelligence will float over and land in my brain.  It's just an idea, maybe more of a wish.  Robyn works hard at school and it really pays off.  I am very proud of her.

Lucky for me last night, Robyn sat in the back of the group while on the stage and was able to text me through most of the 6th and 7th graders' awards.  We texted mostly about how her friend Sabrina was so prim and proper the entire evening - clapping daintily when appropriate, and most importantly, sitting with her legs crossed.  This was most crucial because she was front and center on the stage.  We cannot say as much for little miss green skirt.  I am pretty sure she gave some onlookers in the first few rows a PG-13 performance with the way she was sitting.
Sabrina and Robyn

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