
awfully good

The other day Haley was mentioning that she wanted to have her hair dyed a natural red.  Having been a natural of whatever comes out of the bottle of dye for years, I laughed at her and told her that was an oxymoron.  You can't dye your hair anything natural.  Eric thought the word oxymoron was great.  His ears perked up and he asked me if I had coined the term.  I told him no I had not, but I thought how awesomely rad that would have been if I had.

There was a time in high school, years and years ago, that Shelle (my sister) and her friend had come up with a catchy little comeback of sympathy to show that they were really listening to you and felt deeply your pain and suffering, or they would just say this whenever they felt like it.  For example, say I came home from a basketball game and we had lost.  I would maybe be telling my mom about the game and Shelle would be listening to me.  I would soon hear AH, BRR BRR!! escape her lips.  Oh, Shelle, how lovely those words of love are to remember.  They still bring comfort.  The funny part, kids all over the school started saying it.  A brr brr here and a brr brr there, everywhere a brr brr!  It was so wonderful.

I do want to send out a loud AH, BRR BRR!  It's really too bad it didn't stick - like the likes of: like, or cool, or awesome, or even, gag me.  Who knows, maybe one of these days one of us will be lucky enough to come up with a word that will enter the English language.  I just hope it's as dope as oxymoron.
natural brunette - natural blonde

1 comment:

Beto said...

Yo dawwwg, your fresh post is sick with complexity. You threw down some seriously subtle oxymoronic speak homie, complete with words like dope. You should publish your stuff, it's that good, we could be gettin' paper. Peace out!