
the mighty maumee

Calling the Maumee River mighty is a stretch, I know.  In fact, I never hear anyone call it that except for our family.  However, this river has been the backdrop to our hometown for nine years, and to us, it is indeed mighty.  We have never tired of passing over one of the bridges and calling out, "Hey look kids, there's the river!"  We have played next to it and at times in it.  Robert has fished in it and done impromptu swimming while fishing.  Its calming effects have opened the doors for times with friends that I will cherish.  I have walked, run, and sat next to it.  It has been a constant friend in this town.

Last night we spent some time next to the mighty maumee.  It was a little chilly, I thought.  Quinny thought otherwise.  She shed her jacket rather quickly.  Mimi was on my side, she thought it was cold as well.  When she saw that Q's jacket was available she asked if she could use it.  I think the picture speaks for itself.

And yes, Eric was actually there, I didn't photoshop his head into the picture.  I don't know how he keeps getting sent to the back of the group for pictures and then his head is just floating back there.  I am going to have to fix this problem.

1 comment:

Beto said...

Three of my favorite girls in the whole wide world!! I didn't understand the part about Eric though, perhaps it's because I'm looking at the blog on my phone. And for the record, while fishing in it, I was hot, so I just took a slight dip in it, I didn't full on swim:)!!