
mon - barf, tues - sick day,wed - ok, thurs - more barf, fri - ok (fingers crossed)

I had one of those moments this week when I was picking up Haley from school.  Haley's school is very small and we all line up in our cars to pick up our kids.  One of the teachers was making her way down the line of  cars.  I saw her coming my way - closer, closer, closer.  Please don't be for me, please don't be for me I kept thinking.  She stopped right at my window to inform me that Haley was in the bathroom barfing.  I think her exact words were, "I saw Haley, and thought OH, S&$#!  Then she went in the bathroom and starting puking!"  
I took her home.
She slept the rest of the afternoon.
And the next day.
Went to school the next day.
She was fine.
Then the next day (Thursday) I got a call around 1:00pm.  
Haley is in the bathroom again hunched over the garbage can.
Again, really?
She seems to be fine today.
We'll see.
My fingers are crossed for a good day!


Outlandish McCandlish said...

Poor Haley. Hope my buddie feels better soon.

Outlandish McCandlish said...

Also this picture does not fit the post, you should have gotten her right before, during or right after a puke. One with her head in the toilet and holding her hand up trying to block you from taking the photo would be preferred.

Kim T. said...

I think she would actually kill me with the camera if I tried to take a picture of her while puking!!