
ice cream, beans, donuts

This picture is from awhile ago, but it makes me smile when I see it and think about the night we went out for ice cream.  I think this was supposed to be a silly-face pose, but Mimi and I are the only ones making the silly faces.  I think Allison sticking her finger up her nose was just luck.  
Robert ordered an enormous banana split.  I think it had brownies in it.  I am sure it had whipped cream and sprinkles.  It certainly had hot fudge and maybe strawberry sauce.  I might be making this up.  I can't remember what was in it, but it was huge!  After he devoured it, yes devoured, Quinny said, "Good job, Dad!  Now you will be sick!"
(reflection - Haley playing with her hair) Robert, Mimi, Kim, Quinny, and Allison  (reflection - Robyn taking the picture)
Here's Robynie getting ready to make some bean bags at the local cannery.  No one can rock the hair net, tie dye, cut offs, and blue gloves like Robyn.

 Here's Dr. Donuts ready to make all of your pain disappear.  You know you have bought a lot of donuts when you have to use a wheel chair to cart them around.

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