
What we did/didn't expect from our TV installation process.

1.  We did expect them to come between 1pm and 6pm.
2.  We didn't expect them to come as late as 5pm.  Stupid us.  They said as late as 6pm - duh!
3.  We DID NOT expect them to say it would take a "quick three hours".  That's right.  He said three hours.
4.  We really did not expect them to stay until 12:30AM!!  That's 7 1/2 hours folks!
5.  We did expect them to need access to various parts of the house.
6.  We did not expect them to need two different entry points to the attic.
7.  We did not expect them to be so quiet at times that one of us may have unknowingly walked into one of the rooms they were occupying, and maybe let out a fart and then realizing they were not alone hightailed it out of there.  (Tooter's name is mercifully being withheld.)
8.  I did not expect to get so tired that I left Robert to deal with the workers.  I went to sleep with Haley in her bed.
9.  And lastly, the least expected thing of all, one of them making their own entry point to the attic with their foot.  Thanks, guys!  I really wanted to get to the attic from my bed in my room.  Now all I need is a rope.

 This is insulation, even though it kinda looks like barf.
This is what we get to look at as we go to bed at night.  Oh, or I guess we could watch the TV now.  It's all hooked up!!

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