
no worries, she's in the dog house

 Total panic followed by complete relief in .5 seconds.
That is how I felt when I walked into Mimi and Quinn's room.
Shocked and worried, I saw that there was no Quinny in the bed.
It was dark, but it didn't take me too long to find her on the floor at the foot of her bed.
She was sound asleep next to the cardboard dog house.
(The little girls have taken a liking to constructing dog houses out of old boxes.  
Then they tie up their stuffed animals with rope, ribbon, sashes, etc. and drag them around the house.
Sometimes they tie up each other and pretend they are the dogs.
They want a real dog.)
I thought she had gotten up and played in her room.
She does that a lot, but she always gets back in bed.
Not this time.
I asked her why she slept on the floor.
She said she got hot.
Interesting way to cool off.

1 comment:

Janette said...

I understand that panic! It has happened to me, too, but the kid was outside. There was a frantic call to 911 in my case. Glad she was just on the floor! What relief!