
mia, you are a-maze-ing!

We both know that Mia has a great love for mazes, but I really didn't know she could take it to this extreme.  When I was going through her papers she had brought home from school, I came across a maze that she had done...then another and another and another - 11 total, identical, all completed.  I thought the mad scribbling was funny, which by the way, she has done twice.  I think she is trying to keep our recycling bin full.
Whaat?  You guys talkin' about me?

1 comment:

Beto said...

I love that picture! She was born with a healthy dose of "I'm gonna do what I want and I don't care what anyone thinks about it!" Congratulations Mia, I hope that continues in life for you! I love that you love mazes.