
don't let the heat stop you

I was a little worried when we moved that our kids would complain about the heat.  I mean really complain - to the tune of whining, 
"Mom, it's hot out here.  Why did we move to the heat?  The seats are burning me.  It's hot.  I'm sweaty.  It's hot.  It feels like a dryer.  I'm melting.  It's hot."  - and so on.
So far, however, I haven't heard too much.  Actually, I can only think of one, "The seatbelt is too hot to use," and one, "Mom, I'm sweating."  Quinny told me she was sweating once when were walking out of the store.  She said it with such surprise that it made me laugh a little.

Last night we were taking Haley to the park for a little church activity.  I thought my Ohio friends would love this.  They planned to play volleyball.  The picture above was the temperature at the time of the activity - yes, it had cooled off to 108 degrees!  In Ohio they would have cancelled EVERYTHING because of a heat wave if that had been the temp.  That is not the case in AZ.  While at the park I noticed there was a soccer team having practice.
 I loved that Q didn't complain at all about the heat.  She just took off her shoes and started playing like she was born here in good ol' AZ.  Way to go Q.  Soon she will be running from patch of grass to patch of grass and drinking water from the hose like the best of us!

I have to admit that the heat is draining me a little.  I am missing the cooler temps of the midwest.  I just have to remember that these are the hard months.  Just like I had to endure the harsh winter months, I now have to make it through the summers to get to the nice mild winters.


Sarah said...

I've been feeling the exact same way this last week - thinking "we still have 2 more months of this. Can I make it?" It really is too hot. Minnesota is sounding pretty good right now. :)

Kent and Leisy said...

GROSS!!! I would be complaining :)!!! the highs are the 80s here and it's been quite lovely :)