
book club

To My Dear Book Club,

Hello ladies!  Last night was my final evening to enjoy our lovely book club.  I can't tell you how much you have meant to me over the years.  In the past when I have been asked about book club, I have always said with great pride that I had found a book club with the most wonderful group of women.  It has such a beautiful variety of women with different life experiences, knowledge,  talents, and opinions.

As I have gotten to know all of you more over the years, I realize now just how lucky I am to count myself as a member of this group.  We have shared so much of our lives in these few hours a month that we meet. We have rejoiced with each other over new babies and cried with one another over the more difficult times.  We have advised, consoled, discussed, debated, agreed to disagree, and above all we have laughed!  As I think back to all the times we have spent together in each of our homes, I can picture each of you laughing.  Not just small smiles - I mean real, starting-from-your-toes laughter.  There is no better therapy to lift the spirit than the love and laughter shared with friends.

So, I say thank you.  Thank you for stretching me intellectually.  I have read books (and enjoyed them) that I would have never picked up because of you!  Thank you for all of the food!!  Ah, the delightful food!  Thank you for opening your homes, especially at times when it was not the most convenient to do so.  Thank you for extending friendship to me.  I will miss you all dearly and I will cherish these memories.  You have enriched my time here far more than you can imagine.

Instead of good-bye (because ugh!), I will say, so long, see you later, until next time, ta-ta!



Renae said...

Beautifully put, Kim. I'm sad I missed last night. Thank you for inviting me to book club. Will you start an Arizona branch?

gajeppesen said...

I miss you all sooo much!!! Even if I were to start or join a book club I just don't think it would ever be the same...by the way Welcome to blogging!!!!

Kidd's Korner said...

What wonderful words. I have just loved being a part of this bookclub and sharing all that we have. It has been a comfortable way to be a woman and learn from everyone at different stages. I will never forget all the laughs. I do think Kim you need to continue this blog, or at least email me and let me know how long it takes to get those suitcases unpacked. At the next bookclub we will be places bets. I will be open with my now and say.....hmmmmm.. Christmas? Just kidding. You will truly be missed!