
thomas sleeping patterns.

As of late, I have noticed that some of the creatures in our household have been maintaining unusual sleeping patterns...

Exhibit A - Addi Quinn. No covers and all the way to the wall. Please notice the tattoos on her arms.

Exhibit B - Dad. This is what happened after he commented on how uncomfortable the couches were. Please note that he is resting his head/neck on wood... no cushions or pillows. Just wood.

P.S. He is sleeping like this as I type. :)

Exhibit C - Mia. She asked me if she could sleep in my bed, so I said she could if she needed to. She needed to. This is how I found her when I went in there to go to bed... completely upside down. Please notice the hand-me-down purple, silky, cat pajamas. They're actually double hand-me-downs from our dear friend Haleigh Crever, to Haley & I, to Mia. She loves them as I did even though they are missing two buttons. :)

*None of these pictures were staged. They were all taken at night using a flash... none of the three woke up. I was going to take pictures of Haley, Eric, and Mom, too, but the sound of the door opening wakes them up... and they generally sleep in normal positions!

Well that is all for now. Thanks for reading! :)


Allison said...

Haha! Funny post, Robyn.

Kim T. said...

I thought I heard you sneaking in on me last night while I was sleeping on the couch. Haha. That's a funny post!

Robyn T. said...

Thanks Allison, and thanks, Mom!