

 Quinny has decided that the best way to communicate is by yelling, screeching, commanding, and mostly crying.  
It is not pleasant.
I find that most of my comments to her start with can you find a better way of saying that.
When I was putting her down for a nap today, I thought she needed a little positive reinforcement.
She did, after all, have a relatively successful time during "Quinny School" this morning.
I said to her, "Quinny, you have a fantastic brain!"
She replied, "Can I take it out and play with it?"
"No, you can't."
"Why not."
"You just can't.  Brains have to stay inside their heads.  That's where they live.  It's their home."
"Hmm.  I want to see it."

I wonder.  
How does one play with a brain?  
Also, gross.
 She thinks the spray bottle is the perfect water bottle.
And she is never, I mean never, giving up the pull-up.
Her preferred pull-up is this one with the three princesses.
 At the end of the day, she is definitely loved.
No one can fake it.
As crazy as she is, we wouldn't want her any other way.


this n that

Life is busy these days.
Maybe a little too busy.
I feel like all we do is drive places.
Often Quinny will ask me, "Where harrr (are) we going now?  Then where harrr we going?  Then where harrr we going?"  And so on....
I realized that the only pictures I have taken in two weeks were with my phone.  
Not only that, two of them were actually in the car.

Here is Mimi on the first day of school.  
She was hot and tired when I picked her up.
 Here are Allison and Quinny on their first day of dance class.  
I'm not sure what's up with the pose.
It looks like some bad prom picture from the 1980s.
 Here is the gang after we stopped by G & G's house for a visit.  
They weren't home.
Too bad for them.
We had ice cream with us.


9th, 6th, 2nd

Off they go for another year of learning.  To say the least, we have had a bumpy start to the school year.  Trying to get schedules straitened out has been a royal pain, but I think we are all set now.
Robyn - 9th grade
Eric - 6th grade
Mimi - 2nd grade
 We were in a bit of a hurry this morning, but that didn't stop Mimi from doing some poses for the camera.  She cracks me up.  She isn't used to waking up this early.  You can see it in her eyes.  School starts for them at 7:45am.  Rise and shine!!


HONK if you hate weeds

Robert was up this morning checking on his handy work of the weekend.  He, Eric, and Haley spent some time in the yard getting rid of some weeds and adding a few plants.  It is such an improvement and far more inviting than the weeds that were living there before welcoming our visitors.  Thanks guys!
 Here's the wheelbarrow Robert bought yesterday.  We had two in Ohio.  He thought we certainly didn't need two of them, so he sold one and brought the other to Arizona.  Once he got here, it promptly broke, hence the new wheelbarrow.
 Behold, the giant hesperaloe (said like sarsaparilla, but with hes in front instead of sas).  This little guy will grow to be about six feet tall.  The little plants around him have white flowers on them.  It will all look very appealing as they fill in.  Thanks to Uncle Paul for the help with the plants.
 These are my legs.  I am getting a pedicure, not a gyno check - I would never post a pic of that!  Robyn cashed in her August Buck for a pedicure and lunch.  We had a great time.
 Robyn didn't want her picture taken.
 Shelle joined us!  
My favorite story of the weekend is courtesy of Shelle.  We had to stop at the bank for Shelle to, well, do a little banking.  While we were in line, Shelle was filling out papers by writing on her steering wheel and accidentally honked her horn.  Of course there was a person in front of us in line.  This made me laugh, and Shelle too.  She gave a friendly wave, said, "It's okay" to the guy (like he could hear us!), and went about her business.
 The part that really got me laughing, 
on the guy's bumper sticker...
HONK if I pay your mortgage.
I'm still laughing.


thomas sleeping patterns, part dos.

Dad, Mia and Addi aren't the only ones who enjoy sleeping in odd places. Mom does, too! She fell asleep on a different couch yesterday, but I forgot to take a picture. This will do. :) I guess the so-called "uncomfortable" couch is the #1 spot to fall asleep these days...

You knew this was going to happen, Mom.
Your loving daughter,
Robyn :)


thomas sleeping patterns.

As of late, I have noticed that some of the creatures in our household have been maintaining unusual sleeping patterns...

Exhibit A - Addi Quinn. No covers and all the way to the wall. Please notice the tattoos on her arms.

Exhibit B - Dad. This is what happened after he commented on how uncomfortable the couches were. Please note that he is resting his head/neck on wood... no cushions or pillows. Just wood.

P.S. He is sleeping like this as I type. :)

Exhibit C - Mia. She asked me if she could sleep in my bed, so I said she could if she needed to. She needed to. This is how I found her when I went in there to go to bed... completely upside down. Please notice the hand-me-down purple, silky, cat pajamas. They're actually double hand-me-downs from our dear friend Haleigh Crever, to Haley & I, to Mia. She loves them as I did even though they are missing two buttons. :)

*None of these pictures were staged. They were all taken at night using a flash... none of the three woke up. I was going to take pictures of Haley, Eric, and Mom, too, but the sound of the door opening wakes them up... and they generally sleep in normal positions!

Well that is all for now. Thanks for reading! :)

clouds=good times

"I saw a peanut stand, heard a rubber band,
I saw a needle that winked its eye.
But I think I will have seen everything
When I see an elephant fly."
While driving yesterday with Robyn, we spotted this cloud in the sky.  I said, "Hey, look!  It's Dumbo!"  I am hoping this is a good sign for good things ahead.  
We were headed to the high school to get Robyn signed up for her freshman year.  
Today is the freshman orientation.  The school is gigantic!  Robyn, in her typical stoic way, seems to be taking it all in stride, kind of like Dumbo and his parade of elephants in the sky.  
All except for yesterday in the bookstore when the lady snapped the ID picture when Robyn wasn't quite ready.  Robyn was a little nonplussed by this.
I could always provide a picture if they need one.