
5th grade bike hike

Average temperature was between 50 and 55 degrees.
It was cloudy, but there was no rain.  We got very lucky.
It took us about 40+ minutes to ride approximately seven miles.
The river at Side Cut Park was overflowing.  There were benches under water.
Adults ride bikes in a straight line - 5th graders do not.
There were two flat tires.
One kid fell off his bike.
The kid in front of me said his bum hurt and thought it would feel better to sit on one foot while riding his bike.  I wasn't convinced this would help the situation.
One kid thought using his feet as brakes were better than using the actual brakes on his bike.  His shoes showed that this was not the first time he has used this technique.
I stayed far enough away from Eric that one child asked me if I had all girls.
One kid fell down and skinned her knee on our "hike".
One girl happened to show me her key to her bike lock.  About 15 minutes later a park ranger came up to me and asked if anyone had lost a key.  He had found one in the bathroom - it was her key.  Sometimes luck is on your side!
One kid stopped the entire procession because of a charley horse - no kidding.
We had a police escort.
Eric's favorite part was playing kickball.
My favorite part was seeing new parts of the park I had never seen before.
It was an overall wonderful day.


Delaps said...

Just catching up on your family. No rain in Arizona in case you were wondering!

Beto said...

I love all the snipets of random happenings that really make me feel like I got a flavor of what the bike hike was like...we shall have to go on many of our own family bike hikes when we're together in good ol' AZ. And like the Delaps said, no rain here!!!!!