
thomas sleeping patterns parte cuatro.

As I picked up my headphones and started to put them into my ears before bed, I noticed something was wrong...
they were naked.  This was not the first time this had occurred, so I knew exactly where to go.  Quinn's room.

 I looked in the normal place she stores stolen items.  Her toy kitchen.  Specifically, the microwave.  Unfortunately, I did not find the rubber pieces for my headphones, but I did find some of my money and a label maker.  You can't give me a label maker and expect nothing to come of it... 

And here's Mimi in one of her usual unusual sleeping positions.  I snapped a picture, because she was sleeping especially unusually AND you can see the heart bracelet she received from a boy at school, who she thinks "likes her but is too afraid to tell her."  Luckily, it doesn't matter, because she's "not even into boys yet."



Kim T. said...

Haha! Did she Q leave a burpee in place of the stolen ear buds? That is what she usually does with my stuff. I'm not sure why Mimi flips around in the bed. I'm surprised she doesn't fall out. I didn't know she slept with the bracelet - very sweet.

Robyn T. said...

No, oddly enough, "she Q" did not leave a burpee. I'm also surprised Creamy doesn't fall out of bed. She's just talented, I guess! :)